EMN Germany Workshop: Ukrainian Refugees in the EU , format: Event, area: Authority , Access to rights under the Temporary Protection Directive and the way forward

Event EMN Germany Workshop: Ukrainian Refugees in the EUics, 481 Byte, Start 2024.06.12 10:30 AM End 2024.06.12 12:00 PM Location Online via Webex Event organiser EMN Deutschland / EMN Germany

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As the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees hereby cordially invites you to the virtual workshop on 12 June 2024 on the topic "Ukrainian Refugees in the EU: Access to rights under the Temporary Protection Directive and the way forward".

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the ongoing war has resulted in the largest refugee movement in Europe since the Second World War. In response, the EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) on 4 March 2022 for the first time since its adoption in 2001, thus providing a framework to quickly respond to the mass displacement of Ukrainian people.

While the aim of the TPD was to provide direct protection and access to housing, the labour market, health care, education, social assistance and welfare across the EU, the practical implementation has been different in each Member State. The EMN-Workshop will shed light on the challenges and best practices of the application of the TPD in Germany, the Netherlands and Lithuania. One of the key issues to be discussed at the workshop is what comes after the TPD. Currently, the TPD is due to expire in March 2025, raising the question of whether other types of residence permits will be available in Member States. What scenarios are there to ensure the continued protection of Ukrainian refugees?

Join the online workshop to discuss developments in the implementation of the TPD. To register, please click on "Register" in the box.


Philipp Heiermann & Kaan Atanisev, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees/EMN Germany
Sandra von Lint, Ministry of Justice and Security Netherlands
Ąžuolas Bagdonas, EMN Lithuania


Dr. Jan Schneider, Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR)

Best Regards,
EMN Germany