Need for foreign researchers in Germany , Date: 2014.03.11, format: project (finished), area: Authority

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A supply and demand analysis was carried out to determine the current and future need on the partial labour market for researchers in Germany

A core task of the Research Advisory Board that is accommodated within the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is to establish if the need for foreign researchers is suitably covered by applying § 20 of the Residence Act. According to this, a residence permit is granted under specific conditions for the purposes of research. Therefore this project was concerned with the specific need for foreign researchers in Germany

High significance of the partial labour market for researchers

Added to this is the fact that this partial labour market plays a key role in the discussion about the lack of specialised staff in Germany. In addition, major significance is given to the aspect of managing the immigration of highly-qualified migrants.

The issue of the need for foreign researchers was pursued by analysing the current and future labour market for researchers. Initial findings concerning third-state nationals who are already carrying out research work in Germany were also part of this research project as well as the development of researchers educated in Germany.