Persons entitled to asylum or recognised as refugees in Germany , Date: 2016.01.18, format: brief analysis, area: Authority

The BAMF’s first brief analysis deals with the sociodemographic characteristics, the qualification structure, labour market participation, as well as the future orientations and wishes of persons entitled to asylum or recognised as refugees in Germany.
The focus is on respondents from the countries of origin Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which are particularly relevant in terms of the current immigration of refugees. The majority of these are younger than 35, are male and have a "medium" school and vocational qualification profile. There is still considerable potential in terms of gainful employment, this accounts for women in particular. At the same time, it can be observed that persons who are entitled to asylum or recognised as refugees are highly motivated when it comes to gaining a foothold in an occupation and taking an active part in German society.

Nationwide study


Dr. Susanne Worbs

Position: Head of Division

Phone +49 911 943 24750
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The first edition of the new series of the BAMF's brief analysis is based on data from the study entitled "The integration of persons entitled to asylum or recognised as refugees", which was carried out by the Research Centre. The study aims to ascertain information on what the circumstances of people are who have concluded the asylum proceedings with a positive outcome. To this end, roughly 2,800 individuals from six countries of origin (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka and Syria) were surveyed in writing nationwide in the summer of 2014. They were given their status in asylum proceedings between 2008 and 2012. The particular value of the data lies in the fact that the refugees were not only "approximately" identified via their nationality, but via a specific sample that was taken from the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR).

The brief analysis was drawn up by: Dr. Susanne Worbs and Eva Bund

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