INTER:SECTIONS 2.0 , Date: 2022.01.27, format: report, area: Authority , New results obtained from research and counselling practice concerning the phenomenon of Islamist extremism

What roles do various stakeholders in the (security) authorities and civil society organisations play in deradicalisation and exit work? What lessons can be learned from the science-based monitoring of the advice centres? These and other questions are addressed in the second anthology published by the BAMF's Research Centre, entitled "INTER:SECTIONS 2.0". The anthology has been drawn up in cooperation with the FoPraTEx network of researchers (Research-practice exchange concerning the phenomenon of Islamist extremism).

The network is made up of researchers who work at various civil society and state-run advice centres, providing advice to the social environment of people who are presumed to be radicalised. Its core task is to support advice centres through research, and its unique distinguishing feature consists of directly interlinking researchers and practitioners in the field.


This anthology presents the research results of FoPraTEx, as well as submitting important findings on the question of effective paths to follow with regard to deradicalisation. The anthology is broken down into four sections, each of which follows a thematic focus.

  • The first part presents various research findings that are of a more fundamental nature and help gain an understanding of radicalisation and of deradicalisation work.
  • The second part presents contributions from the direct accompanying research on current topics and target groups of the advice work.
  • The third part is dedicated to the practical research perspective, and highlights current questions on radicalisation and deradicalisation processes with "trend analyses" based on insights from advice practitioners.
  • The fourth and last part reflects on the accompanying scientific research, using the example of the FoPraTEx and InFoEx (International Forum for Expert Exchange on Countering Islamist Extremism) projects.

You can download the complete anthology with the research findings as a PDF document below. It was published by: Corinna Emser, Axel Kreienbrink, Nelia Miguel Müller, Teresa Rupp and Alexandra Wielopolski-Kasaku

This publication is only available in German.

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