EMN Inform: Attracting and retaining international students in the EU , Date: 2019.10.01, format: report, area: Authority

Attracting students from third countries is important for the EU both as an alternative to irregular migration and as contribution to a more competitive EU economy. Promoting their mobility has been part of the EU's policy as early as 1994. Since then, the need for intensified efforts to provide opportunities for students has been reiterated by the European Commission regularly.

But what concrete policies and practices have Member States put in place to attract international students? Are there any special incentives to retain them following graduation? What are the main challenges? What bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements with third countries have been adopted by Member States covering international students?

By exploring the national policies and practices in Member States to attract and retain international students, this EMN Study provides a concise overview of recent trends, challenges and good practices from 25 Member States. At a glance, the main research findings are introduced below.

Infographic on "Attracting and retaining international students in the EU" Click on the infographic to enlarge it.

You may find the national results of the Synthesis report in our German EMN study "Attracting and retaining international students in Germany". The Synthesis Report offers a detailed presentation of the comparative results at EU level. The EMN Inform provides a shortened version while the EMN Flash highlights few key findings.