EMN Inform: Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine , Date: 2024.05.21, format: report, area: Authority

The massive inflow of people fleeing Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine triggered significant migration to the EU. Eurostat data indicates that by November 2023, over 4.27 million non-EU citizens who fled Ukraine due to the 2022 Russian invasion were under temporary protection in the EU - with Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic hosting approximately 60 percent of these individuals. Ukrainians constituted the majority of beneficiaries of temporary protection, with adult women forming a significant portion. Various EU initiatives were implemented to aid integration, including the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) and the EU Skills Profile Tool.

This inform emphasises understanding the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of displaced persons, analysing existing data on labour market integration, and mapping policies and measures across EMN Member and Observer Countries to facilitate integration.

The data highlights the high level of educational attainment among beneficiaries of temporary protection, with over 60 percent having completed tertiary education in some countries. Nevertheless, significant mismatches exist between their prior employment in Ukraine and their current employment in host countries, often in low-skilled occupations. Challenges such as qualification recognition, language barriers, and uncertainty regarding stay duration contribute to these outcomes. Despite these challenges, early labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection has shown promising trends, with some countries reporting employment rates exceeding 60 percent.