Programmes for ethnic German resettlers , Date: 2018.11.28, format: Article, area: Integration

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Ethnic German resettlers are descendants of Germans from the successor states of the former Soviet Union and from other countries in Eastern Europe who are entitled to live in Germany by means of a special acceptance process.


If you are recognised as an ethnic German resettler, you automatically receive German nationality. The acceptance and certification procedure carried out by the Federal Office of Administration is contingent amongst other things on your being descended from Germans. The legal basis for accepting ethnic German resettlers is the Federal Expellees Act (BVFG). Individuals born up to the end of 1992 may be recognised as ethnic German resettlers.

Spouses and direct descendents may settle in Germany with you on application. They are required to prove that they have a basic knowledge of German.

Arrival in Germany

After registration in one of the Federation's initial reception centres, the Federal Office of Administration will allocate you to the host Federal Länder. You are not required to live in a stipulated place.

The integration course

If you and your family members were received in Germany after 1 January 2005, you may attend an integration course. The costs will be met by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The entitlement to attend the course is handed out by the Federal Office of Administration in Friedland straight away on entry to Germany. Children, juveniles and young adults who attend school in Germany do not have any legal entitlement to attend an integration course.

You may also attend a free integration course even if you were received in Germany as an ethnic German resettler before 1 January 2005.

If you have already attended a language course organised by the Federal Employment Agency and wish to also attend a free integration course, you will need to apply to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to be admitted to attend an integration course for German nationals (application 630.010j).

The certificate of eligibility (Berechtigungsschein) entitles you to select an integration course provider via BAMF-NAvI.

Ethnic German resettlers may also avail themselves of the additional "Identity and Integration PLUS" programme in accordance with section 9 subsection (4) of the Federal Expellees Act. This programme aims to promote integration.


The following agencies near where you live can provide you with more information:

  • the Migration Advice Service for Adult Immigrants and the Youth Migration Service,
  • the immigration authority,
  • the Employment Agency, Job Centre or appropriate local authority facility, as well as
  • integration course providers.