Research projects focusing on integration , format: Article, area: Authority

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The focus here is placed on describing and analysing the integration processes of migrants in Germany. This involves carrying out primary data collections on a variety of topics that are of sociopolitical relevance.

Over and above this, guidance and evaluation are provided of the State's activities to promote integration. Official data and business statistics, as well as data from our own surveys and questionnaire data obtained by other research institutions, are analysed and evaluated (secondary data analysis). Developments in integration indicators at local, national and international level are observed and supported.

Measuring Language Levels in Surveys , Date: 2024.08.14, format: project (current), area: Authority

The research project "Measuring Language Levels in Surveys" ("Sprachstandserhebung in Umfragen", SIU) deals with the comparison of different methods of measuring German language skills among immigrants. It examines how the knowledge of the German language can be recorded in surveys of immigrants, how reliable self-assessed language skills are and which survey instruments can be used to generate valid results.

Evaluation of the Integration Courses , Date: 2024.03.20, format: project (current), area: Authority

The project entitled "Evaluation of the Integration Courses (EvIk)" analyses the impact of these courses, especially focussing on the attendee group of refugees.

Project: Ukrainian Refugees in Germany , Date: 2024.07.01, format: project (current), area: Authority

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in 2022, many Ukrainians have left their country and sought protection in surrounding countries. Germany is among the most important host countries. Taking in so many people within a short period of time and creating paths for their integration poses challenges as well as opportunities for policy makers, government agencies, and society. Sound scientific data is needed to address these.

The IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees , Date: 2024.05.23, format: project (current), area: Authority

The IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees is a study in which participants are interviewed annually. The target participants are persons who entered Germany between January 2013 and September 2022 and who applied for asylum. Since 2023, Ukrainian nationals who have come to Germany as a result of the Russian war of aggression are also being interviewed as part of this study. Additional to the target participants, also all other household members are interviewed.

Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR) , Date: 2022.05.09, format: project (current), area: Authority

The project entitled "Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR)" analyses the family situation and social integration of recent immigrants from Eritrea and Syria. The project is being implemented by the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).

Muslim Life in Germany 2020 , Date: 2023.12.05, format: project (current), area: Authority

The project entitled "Muslim life in Germany 2020 (MLD 2020)" submits up-to-date knowledge about the Muslim population group living in Germany. More than 4,500 people with a migration background from predominantly Muslim countries of origin were interviewed for this study between July 2019 and March 2020 as part of a representative nationwide survey.

Project: Evaluation of the residence obligation in accordance with section 12a of the Residence Act , Date: 2023.08.29, format: project (finished), area: Authority

An evaluation of the residence obligation (Wohnsitzregelung) in accordance with section 12a of the Residence Act (AufenthG), which has been in place since 2016 for refugees who have temporary protection status, is legally required. The Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is supervising this project on behalf of the Federal Government, and has commissioned a consortium consisting of the empirica AG research and consulting company and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) to conduct the evaluation.

Representative survey 2015 , Date: 2023.06.06, format: project (finished), area: Authority

Romanian, Polish and Turkish citizens as well as Germans with a Turkish migration background were interviewed as part of the representative study RAM 2015. The study provides a data basis for observations on the integration of selected migrant groups in Germany.

Integration of ethnic German resettlers , Date: 2022.03.31, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has worked together on a project with the scientific staff at the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) in order to study the current state of the integration of ethnic German resettlers in Germany. This study tapped into the potential for analysis offered by a variety of data sources.

Gender roles among Christian and Muslim Germans and immigrants , Date: 2018.05.09, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This project was implemented on behalf of the German Islam Conference.

The integration of refugees in rural areas , Date: 2018.01.26, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The combined qualitative-quantitative research project evaluates the essential factors for successful refugee integration processes in rural areas.

Muslim life in Germany 2016 , Date: 2017.12.19, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The project entitled “Muslim life in Germany 2016” (MLD 2016) surveyed more than 2,000 Muslims from six regions of origin via the telephone. The focus of the research was placed on use of and interest in Islamic social welfare services. It particularly asked questions concerning pre-school childcare and care services for the elderly.

Integration report , Date: 2017.02.15, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The integration report provides a concise overview of the existing integration data in Germany covering a diverse range of areas.

Explaining differences in second language acquisition , Date: 2017.01.24, format: project (finished), area: Authority

Why do certain groups of countries of origin need longer than others when it comes to acquiring a second language and therefore do worse in punctual measurements? A variety of explanations for this are discussed in the research project.

Integration of persons entitled to asylum or recognised as refugees , Date: 2016.10.17, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This study investigates the integration of former asylum-seekers from selected countries of origin who were recognised between 2008 and 2012 as being entitled to asylum or who were awarded status in accordance with the Geneva Convention on Refugees.

Accompanying academic research on the Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants (MBE) , Date: 2015.08.06, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The study analysed the work of the Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants (MBE) offered by the national associations -of public welfare in Germany. Its aim was to collect the experiences and assessments of the advisory service.

Muslim life in Germany 2008 , Date: 2011.04.21, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The project "Muslim life in Germany" primarily pursues the objective of estimating the number of Muslims living in Germany and analysing the population's structure according to religious orientation.

The integration of immigrating spouses in Germany , Date: 2014.05.07, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The BAMF’s Marriage Migration Study 2013 (BAMF-Heiratsmigrationsstudie 2013), which has a quantitative approach, investigated the integration processes of spouses who entered Germany from third states from 2005 onwards.

Representative survey 2006/2007 , Date: 2014.04.30, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The representative survey "Selected groups of migrants in Germany" (RAM 2006/2007) comprises the five largest foreign nationality groups.

The progress of the integration of integration course participants , Date: 2013.04.04, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This project primarily aims to verify the effectiveness and sustainability of the integration courses.

Muslim self-organisation and the State's approach towards Muslim organisations in a European comparison , Date: 2012.09.10, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The efforts and approaches taken by other European states to create Muslim contact partners have been studied as part of this project.

The progress of the integration of literacy course attendees , Date: 2012.02.09, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This longitudinal study uses surveys carried out at two points in time to examine the learning success and the progress of the integration of literacy course attendees.

The naturalisation behaviour of foreigners in Germany , Date: 2012.06.27, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This research project examined the naturalisation behaviour of foreign men and women in Germany.

The option scheme in German citizenship law from the perspective of those affected by it , Date: 2012.06.27, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees' qualitative study on the option scheme examined a field on which virtually no research had been carried out.

Islamic officials in Germany , Date: 2012.05.03, format: project (finished), area: Authority

In this research project the number of imams and dedes (Alevi religious leaders) is to be ascertained and in-depth information acquired about them.

Integration course participant survey , Date: 2011.01.18, format: project (finished), area: Authority

For this project, a survey of attendees was carried out on 100 integration courses selected at random.

Success biographies of female migrants , Date: 2011.01.18, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This project analysed the factors influencing and strategies used by female immigrants to achieve success at work.

Residence Allocation Act , Date: 2011.01.18, format: project (finished), area: Authority

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is investigating the impact of the Residence Allocation Act on ethnic German repatriates, as well as on local government.

Immigrants from Russia and the other CIS states , Date: 2011.01.18, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This project studied the motives for immigration and integration progress of migrants from Russia and the other CIS states, and of Jewish immigrants in particular.