EMN Publications

The EMN regularly publishes studies and reports on European and national developements.

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EMN Publications

The core task of the European Migration Network (EMN) is the provision of information on migration and asylum. The EMN provides information on current developments to the institutions of the European Union, the participating Member States as well as the public in a reliable, comparable and easily accessible form.

The publications of the EMN and of the German National Contact Point are sorted by topic below. The publications include

  • EMN Germany Paper: National studies on specific migration and asylum-related topics
  • EMN Studies: Comparative EMN studies based on the results of national studies
  • EMN Informs: Short reports on specific topics, studies and ad-hoc queries
  • Policy reports: Annual reports on migration and asylum in Germany, in the EMN member states and country factsheets
  • EMNews: Newsletter on current developments in the EU and the EMN member states
  • Ad-hoc queries: Query system between the network partners on specific topics