Resettlement – Humanitarian reception – Relocation

Various reception redistribution procedures exist for persons in need of protection who have fled their countries of origin because of humanitarian crises.

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Resettlement and the NesT programme , Date: 2023.02.14, format: Article, area: Asylum and refugee protection

Resettlement is intended to make it possible to permanently receive refugees from third countries. Those concerned have no prospects of becoming integrated in their first country of refuge and are unable to return to their home countries. The "resettlement requirement" is determined by the UNHCR.

Humanitarian reception procedure , Date: 2019.11.14, format: Article, area: Asylum and refugee protection

A humanitarian reception procedure is used in war and crisis situations to enable a large number of refugees of a particular nationality or group to be received quickly. This makes it a tool for protecting particularly vulnerable people from war and its consequences. It also serves to safeguard their rights.

Relocation and special redistribution procedures , Date: 2019.11.14, format: Article, area: Asylum and refugee protection

Asylum-seekers are re-distributed via the "relocation" procedure from EU Member States whose asylum and reception systems are under particular pressure – as was recently the case in Greece and Italy – to other Member States, where they go through the asylum procedure. This is intended to ensure that asylum-seekers are distributed equitably within Europe.