Immigration of qualified workers in accordance with the Immigration Act (sec. 18 of the Residence Act) , Date: 2012.08.15, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The project involves investigating information about third-country nationals holding a residence title in accordance with sec. 18 of the Residence Act


Barbara Heß

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

In addition to the basic socio-economic variables, the study intended to acquire information about the careers of these economic migrants.

At the forefront of the study was the training these people had received and the professions in which they were working in Germany. An analysis was made as to whether they were working beneath their level of qualification and whether they had difficulties in the recognition of their qualifications. Another focus was on the planned length of their stay assessed against the backdrop of demographic change and the shortage of trained workers.

To achieve this, a representative, randomly chosen sample of economic migrants who hold a residence title in accordance with sec. 18 of the Residence Act was surveyed by means of a postal survey. Participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymous.