Employment of EU Blue Card holders in Germany , Date: 2017.01.23, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This project includes an representative online survey among EU Blue Card holders in Germany.


Barbara Heß

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

This research project served to obtain information on EU Blue Card holders in Germany, their vocational qualifications and work situation, their motives for immigration and intention to remain in Germany, as well as on the situation of their family members.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees conducted an online survey in au-tumn 2014 as part of the research project entitled "Employment of EU Blue Card holders in Germany". Many thanks to all participants for your support!
The survey served to obtain information on the respondents' vocational qualifications and work situation, motives for immigration and intentions to remain in Germany, as well as the situation of their family members. It thus contributed to the evaluation of the EU Blue Card as the preferred residence permit for highly skilled immigrants in Germany.

The research report "The EU Blue Card in Germany" analyses the results of the 4,340 responses that were received. As the study shows, many of the respondents consider the EU Blue Card to have considerable advantages. These include the possibility of family reunification, mobility within the EU and good prospects to remain. This immigration is also advantageous for Germany: Holders of the EU Blue Card are very highly qualified since only graduates can receive this residence title. One-third of them have studied in Germany (exclusively or additionally).


Through the EU Blue Card, non-EU nationals with a university degree or equivalent qualification may be awarded a residence permit for the purposes of taking up employment based on their qualification (minimum gross salary is required). This residence title was introduced on 1 August 2012. Holders of the EU Blue Card can also obtain a permanent residence permit under certain conditions.

For more information, visit the link "EU Blue Card".