EMN - European Migration Network , Date: 2024.06.20, format: project (current), area: Authority

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Studies within the framework of the European Migration Network (EMN)

The Network aims to provide objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum at European and national level to support both policy-making and decision-making in the European Union (EU), as well as to provide the general public with such information.

In view of this goal, the National Contact Point drafts amongst other things the national studies jointly agreed on in the EMN, as well as Annual Policy Reports for Germany. The research is carried out in the Migration, Integration and Asylum Research Centre of the Federal Office. All activities carried out by the Contact Point are co-funded by the European Commission.

You can find the latest EMN publications in the "Download list" below.

The EMN Studies in 2024 cover the following topics:

  • The Application of the Temporary Protection Directive to Refugees from Ukraine in Germany: Best Practices and Challenges

The EMN Studies in 2023 covered the following topics:

  • Integration of Migrant Women in Germany: Policies and Measures

The EMN Studies in 2022 covered the following topics:

  • Detention and alternatives to detention
  • Sustainable solutions for long-term irregularly staying migrants: practices and challenges

The EMN Studies in 2021 covered the following topics:

  • Accurate, timely, interoperable: data management in the asylum procedure

The EMN Studies in 2020 covered the following topics:

  • Admission policies for seasonal workers from third countries

The EMN Studies in 2019 covered the following topics:

  • Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs
  • Pathways to citizenship in Germany
  • The role of migration services regarding third country nationals who pose a threat to national security

The EMN Studies in 2018 covered the following topics:

  • Labour market integration policies for third country nationals
  • The impact of visa liberalisation on the countries of destination
  • Attracting and retaining international students
  • Beneficiaries of international protection travelling to their country of origin

EMN Studies in 2017 covered the following topics:

  • Establishing applicants' identity in the migration process
  • Member State responses to the changing influx of asylum seekers in 2015-2016
  • The impact of EU rules on the effectiveness of return in the Member States
  • Unaccompanied Minors after the asylum process

EMN Studies in 2016 covered the following topics:

  • Approaches dealing with rejected asylum seekers
  • Resettlement, humanitarian admission programmes as well as private sponsorship
  • The conditions, rights and effects of family reunification
  • Illegal employment of third country nationals.

EMN Studies in 2015 covered the following topics:

  • Determining labour shortages and the need for labour migration in Germany
  • Dissemination of information on voluntary return and how to reach irregular migrants not in contact with the authorities
  • Integration and support measures for beneficiaries of international/ humanitarian protection
  • Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay


Philipp Heiermann

Position: Researcher

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