Integration of foreign non-academic skilled workers into the German labour market , Date: 2018.10.01, format: project (finished), area: Authority


Barbara Heß

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

Shortages are already occurring in many labour market sectors and regions of Germany when it comes to filling vacancies that require qualified vocational training. The Federal Government views this as a key challenge for the coming years and also takes people from countries outside the EU into account in its Skilled Labour Strategy. Access to the labour market improved for migrants with vocational training as far back as 2013. An amendment to the Ordinance on the admission of foreigners for the purpose of taking up employment (Employment Regulation) (Beschäftigungsverordnung) paved the way for this. Since then, qualified skilled workers from non-EU countries have been able to come to Germany under certain circumstances to fill vacancies in so-called "shortage occupations" (such as building electricians, nurses). These opportunities are being expanded with the Skilled Immigration Act (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz), which enters into force on 1 March 2020.

The research project focuses on the following questions:

  • What has provided the legal basis for labour migration of non-academic skilled workers in recent years and what changes will the Skilled Workers Immigration Act bring about?
  • What is the current demand for non-academic skilled workers and what trends are forecast for the coming years?
  • How has the employment of foreign non-academic skilled workers developed and what impact has the reform of the Employment Regulation in 2013 had?
  • To what extent could the shortage of skilled workers be mitigated if foreign nationals were to undergo training in Germany?

The results of the research project can be accessed under "Further information". They are published only in German.

If you have any questions about this project, please do not hesitate to contact us (see contact details).