Employment of foreign graduates of German higher education institutions (project) , Date: 2014.05.16, format: project (finished), area: Authority , This project served to obtain information on foreign graduates of German higher education institutions.

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In 2013, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees conducted two online surveys as part of the research project entitled "Employment of foreign graduates of German higher education institutions".

The surveys served to obtain information on the respondents’ education and professional qualifications, motives for migration and intentions to stay, as well as the situation of their family members.


Barbara Heß

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

The participants in the first survey were selected at random using a representative sample of foreign graduates of German higher education institutions who stay in Germany. The second survey also targeted graduates and former students of German higher education institutions respectively. Whilst only individuals from third country States were invited to take part in the first survey, the second survey included EU citizens additionally. However, the precondition in the second survey was that the participants no longer live in Germany. Many thanks to all participants, your support has been graciously appreciated.

You can download the Research Report as a PDF by clicking on the right-hand column. There is also an abridged version (in English) of the key research results as well as a paper (in German) published in 2015. The paper compares stay rates of international students in Germany and other destination states.
Should you have any questions regarding the "Employment of foreign graduates of German higher education institutions" project, please don’t hesitate to contact our project workers Elisa Hanganu and Barbara Heß. Contact data can be found in the right-hand column.