Labour market integration of immigrants in family reunification , Date: 2018.11.06, format: project (finished), area: Authority

This research project aims to obtain detailed information regarding the circumstances and labour market integration of immigrants who came to Germany as part of family reunification.


Barbara Heß

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

The BAMF already analysed the integration of spouses immigrating as part of family reunification in the 2013 Marriage Migration Study. On this basis, an online survey was carried out in order to obtain even more detailed information regarding the labour market integration of this group of individuals. The study is looking at both immigrating spouses as well as the group of parents who came to the country as part of family reunification.
To this end, roughly 3,100 individuals who have immigrated as spouses or parents since 2010 have been surveyed on topics such as their origin, family background, intentions to remain, training and gainful employment. In order to obtain as comprehensive a picture as possible, all nationalities were considered in the sample which are represented in the group. Since this study was to focus on labour market integration, especially information was obtained regarding training, employment in the country of origin as well as in Germany, potential as a skilled worker and any obstacles which they encounter when it comes to gaining access to the labour market in Germany.

The results of the research are published only in German.

We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have on this project.