Measuring Language Levels in Surveys , Date: 2024.08.14, format: project (current), area: Authority

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The research project "Measuring Language Levels in Surveys" ("Sprachstandserhebung in Umfragen", SIU) deals with the comparison of different methods of measuring German language skills among immigrants. It examines how the knowledge of the German language can be recorded in surveys of immigrants, how reliable self-assessed language skills are and which survey instruments can be used to generate valid results.


Alexandra Korbut

Position: Researcher

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Dr. Jan Eckhard

Position: Researcher

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Dr. Nina Rother

Position: Head of Division

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German language skills are a fundamental component of the integration of immigrants. Reliable measurement of language skills in surveys is therefore essential for research on the language level of immigrants, on its determinants, and on its effect on other dimensions of integration.

The "German Test for Immigrants" ("Deutschtest für Zuwanderer", DTZ) is used as a central language test during the integration courses, but cannot be used in surveys due to its large scope and the need for trained personnel to carry it out. Measuring language skills in surveys is therefore generally based on self-assessments or assessments by interviewers. However, little is known about the suitability of these methods for surveys with migrants and whether the results correspond to those of official language tests such as the DTZ.


The aim of the SIU project is to identify alternative ways of measuring language proficiency in survey questionnaires, to assess their practicability and validity, and to develop them further. The focus of the project is on measuring the language level of immigrants and their acquisition of the German language.


The project is based on data collected at the BAMF Research Centre in the projects "Evaluation of the Integration Courses" (EvIk) and the "IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees". In both studies, different variants of self-assessments and external assessments are used. By linking the survey data with the administrative data (InGe, Integrationsgeschäftsdatei), information on the DTZ results is also available. Comparing the different measurement methods allows for statements on both their practicability and validity, even for different subgroups. Moreover, insights can be gained into the further development of the instruments used.