Representative survey 2015 , Date: 2023.06.06, format: project (finished), area: Authority , Representative survey on "Selected groups of migrants in Germany" (RAM 2015)

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Romanian, Polish and Turkish citizens as well as Germans with a Turkish migration background were interviewed as part of the representative study RAM 2015. The study provides a data basis for observations on the integration of selected migrant groups in Germany.


Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

Despite comparatively high immigration figures from Poland and Romania, little was known about the longer-term integration of these "new immigrants" in Germany when the project was planned. The 2015 representative survey provided some clues about their living situation in Germany.

Immigration from Turkey has been taking place since the recruitment agreement of 30 October 1961. Within this group, the proportion of German nationals is very high due to naturalisation and the option regulation for children born in Germany. The survey of naturalised persons with a Turkish migration background made it possible to examine the extent to which they differ from non-naturalised persons with regard to their integration record.

Observations on the state of integration of selected groups of migrants

The representative survey RAM 2015 focused on various aspects of integration, such as school education, vocational training and the occupational situation. Information was also collected on the language, the housing situation, the family situation and contacts with Germans as well as the group of origin. Other focal points of the survey were the bond to Germany and the home country, religion as well as differences and similarities of the four groups with regard to selected attitudes and assessments.

Data access to the representative survey (RAM 2015)

The data from the RAM 2015 representative survey have been available to external researchers for secondary analyses since the beginning of June 2023. For this purpose, interested parties should contact the Research Data Center of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FDZ).

Findings from the RAM 2015 representative survey

The BAMF Brief Analysis 6|2016 focuses on aspects of the integration of immigrant Romanian and Polish nationals in Germany. Working Paper 81 examines differences in the state of integration within the population with a Turkish migration background. Both publications are available under "Downloads".

A book contribution is dedicated to the questions of the spread and explanation of anti-Semitic attitudes (Babka von Gostomski, Christian (2021): Facetten antisemitischer Einstellungen bei ausgewählten Migrantengruppen in Deutschland, in: Schulz, Sonja/Siegers, Pascal/Westle, Bettina/Hochman, Oshrat (Hg.): (In)Toleranz in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft? Einstellungen zu Migranten in Deutschland und Europa, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 199-240).

Research Report 40 concludes the RAM 2015 representative survey project. It provides a descriptive overview of selected aspects of integration as well as attitudes of all four interviewed groups with a migration background and is also available under "Downloads".