Representative survey 2006/2007 , Date: 2014.04.30, format: project (finished), area: Authority , Representative survey "Selected groups of migrants in Germany" (RAM 2006/2007)

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The representative survey entitled "Selected groups of migrants in Germany" (RAM 2006/2007) encompasses the five largest foreign nationality groups who have been living here for some time, that is Turkish, ex-Yugoslavian (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Macedonian), Italian, Greek and Polish nationals.

The basis for the sample was the Central Register of Foreigners. The field work was carried out at the end of 2006 and in 2007 by TNS Infratest Sozialforschung GmbH, Munich; the data are being evaluated at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

The evaluation of RAM 2006/2007 promises to provide information on a broad spectrum of integration aspects. These include the educational, labour market and income position, family structure and linguistic skills of the respondent migrant groups. Besides, information was collected on social integration (friends, membership of associations and organisations) and on value orientations. In particular, comparisons between the various respondent migrant groups help to draw conclusions on the state of integration among foreigners in Germany.

Main results

  • Polish respondents are younger and have been living in Germany for a shorter length of time.
  • Increasing educational success from generation to generation is unmistakable in all groups.
  • An above-average number of Polish respondents have a vocational qualification.
  • Turkish households in particular have a low income.
  • Younger respondents have better German-language skills than older respondents.
  • Italian respondents live comparatively comfortably.
  • Foreign nationals are more likely to be members of German associations than home country-focused associations.
  • Almost two thirds of the respondents have regular contact with German friends.

Publications about the study


Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

Results of the Representative survey 2006/2007 can be retrieved (reports only in German).

The questionnaire used for the representative survey 2006/2007 can be viewed .

The RAM survey is available for secondary analysis

The data records for the representative survey "Selected groups of migrants in Germany" (RAM 2006/2007) can be ordered with access category C for individual analyses direct from GESIS in the Data Archive for the Social Sciences quoting number ZA5680.

Earlier studies on foreign national employees

Despite the different research designs, RAM 2006/2007 was in the tradition of surveys on the situation of foreign workers and of their family members which were carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour in 1980, 1985, 1995 and 2001. The target groups here were classical “guest workers” from Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, Greece and Italy (in earlier studies also Spaniards and Portuguese). In both 1995 and 2001 there was also a separate survey section on Polish contract, guest and seasonal workers.

The results of the latest predecessor study (representative survey 2001) entitled "The situation of foreign workers and their family members in the Federal Republic of Germany", a research report on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, can be retrieved .