Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR) , Date: 2022.05.09, format: project (current), area: Authority

The project entitled "Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR)" analyses the family situation and social integration of recent immigrants from Eritrea and Syria. The project is being implemented by the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).

The primary goal of the research project is to examine family structures, and transnational family arrangements in particular, as well as their effects on everyday lives. A central role is played by both family members as well as non-family contacts, alongside topics concerning integration. A survey was therefore carried out among 1,468 Syrian and Eritrean men and women living in Germany, in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Population Research. The project is set to run from 2017-2021.

The main topic: Transnational family structures and social inclusion


Dr. Anja Stichs

Position: Researcher

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The topical focuses of the project are as follows:

  • the diversity of the constellations and geographical spread of the families of immigrants from Syria and Eritrea,
  • the role played by the family in the migration process and decisions on migrating,
  • the structure of the (transnational) relationships with family members in Germany and other countries, e.g. the nature and frequency of communication or mutual assistance,
  • the nature of family and non-family contacts,
  • the influence of social contact structures on life in Germany, in particular with regard to the integration of women,
  • provision of various resources, e.g. help finding a job, via social networks,
  • satisfaction with life in general and social inclusion.

Research focusing on Syrian and Eritrean nationals


Dr. Manuel Siegert

Position: Researcher

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Two countries of origin were selected for the analysis, namely Syria and Eritrea, which are highly divergent in terms of their cultural and religious backgrounds as well as the motives for migration, in particular among refugees. At the same time, nationals of these two countries have very good prospects to remain. Developments in social inclusion in Germany, as well as the family arrangements of the target group, will hence be highly relevant in the long term.

Large-scale survey in the second half of 2020

The quantitative survey was carried out among women and men who have either Syrian or Eritrean nationality, who came to Germany between 2013 and 2019 aged at least 18, and who were aged 45 at most. The random sampling was carried out based on the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR). The computer-assisted interviews with the target individuals were carried out in the second half of 2020 using a standardised questionnaire (CAPI).

Publishing the initial results

A brochure containing initial results that has been jointly prepared by the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) and the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) was published in April 2021. You can download the Methodology Report on the project in English on the BiB's website. Most recently, Brief Analysis 3|2022 was published in May 2022, which examines the personal networks of people from Syria and Eritrea living in Germany and the support potential they contain.

We would very much like to thank all participants for their help, and for supporting our study!

Cooperation partners at the Federal Institute for Population Research:
Dr. Lenore Sauer
Kamal Kassam
Dr. Elisabeth K. Kraus
Dr. Nikola Sander
Dr. Andreas Ette