Muslim Life in Germany 2020 , Date: 2023.12.05, format: project (current), area: Authority

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The project entitled "Muslim life in Germany 2020 (MLD 2020)" submits up-to-date knowledge about the Muslim population group living in Germany. More than 4,500 people with a migration background from predominantly Muslim countries of origin were interviewed for this study between July 2019 and March 2020 as part of a representative nationwide survey.

Up-to-date knowledge about Muslims in Germany


Dr. Anja Stichs

Position: Researcher

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The study entitled "Muslim life in Germany 2020" was carried out on behalf of the German Islam Conference (DIK) in order to obtain authoritative data about Muslims with a migration background.

The information that was obtained will be used, firstly, to conduct a new extrapolation of the number of Muslim men and women in Germany, and to describe their social structure.

The data furthermore permit analyses to be made of everyday religious practice, on aspects of integration, on everyday experiences and on discrimination that has been experienced, as well as on co-habitation with people of other origins and religions.
In order to categorise the results, more detailed evaluations may be carried out within the Muslim population group, such as between people from different regions of origin, or between generations of immigrants.


Katrin Pfündel

Position: Researcher

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It is furthermore possible to make comparisons with persons from the same countries of origin who belong to a different religion, as well as with persons who have no migration background.
A comparison with the results of MLD 2008 also enables changes to be shown which have taken place within the Muslim population group over the last decade.

Taking account of individuals from various predominantly Muslim countries of origin


Dr. Amrei Maddox

Position: Researcher

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In order to do justice to the diversity of Muslim life in Germany, a survey was carried out between July 2019 and March 2020 among both immigrants from various predominantly Muslim countries of origin, as well as among their descendants who were born in Germany. A total of more than 4,500 useable interviews were held with men and women originating from Turkey, South Eastern Europe, North Africa as well as the Middle East. 600 German nationals with no migration background were also interviewed as a comparison group.
The sample for the questionnaire was taken at national level in a multistage process from different residents' registration offices, using the onomastic (name-based) procedure.


Cristina Gockeln

Position: Researcher

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A comprehensive research report on the topics of social structure, religiosity and everyday religious practice, as well as on various aspects of integration, was published in the spring of 2021. Social cohesion is examined in three further publications. They address the topics of interreligious relations, perceived discrimination, and attitudes towards social cohesion.