The progress of the integration of literacy course attendees , Date: 2012.02.09, format: project (finished), area: Authority , Academic guidance of the literacy courses

The research group from the Federal Office was commissioned by the evaluation commission of the integration courses to carry out an academic evaluation of the effectiveness of integration courses. In addition to a longitudinal survey of attendees at general integration courses, as well as at parents’, women’s and youth integration courses, literacy courses were also evaluated.

Here too, a survey records the starting situation at the beginning of the course; the second survey at the end of the course shows the development during attendance at the course. Since attendees at literacy courses cannot be questioned using the same questionnaire tool and in the same way as those attending the other courses, these surveys involve more effort, and were therefore carried out over a period of time (2008 to 2010).

Publications on literacy courses


Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

Working Paper 42 "Development of knowledge of German and progress in integration among literacy course attendees" presents the results of the survey among literacy course attendees at the beginning and end of the course. This before-and-after questionnaire provides for the first time information on the composition of the courses and on the development of the language skills of literacy course attendees.

Working Paper 29, entitled "Results of a study among attendees at the beginning of their literacy course", presents the results of a survey among attendees at the beginning of their literacy course. In addition to a detailed, descriptive overview of the attendees, such as on their backgrounds in terms of written language and their knowledge of German, a broad spectrum of integration aspects was also studied.