Success biographies of female migrants , Date: 2011.01.18, format: project (finished), area: Authority , Research project to analyse professional success factors and strategies among female migrants

The project "Erfolgsbiographien von Migrantinnen" (Success biographies of female migrants) analysed the influencing factors and strategies used by female immigrants to achieve success at work.

The project was made up of two smaller studies:


Dr. Anja Stichs

Position: Researcher

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  • In the first, data gathered in the "Repräsentativuntersuchung ausgewählter Migrantengruppen" (representative study of selected groups of migrants) relating to the work situations of approximately 2,200 female immigrants from five different Länder was analysed, and the significance of individual influencing factors with regard to successful positioning in their working lives was examined.
  • In the other, 30 extensive interviews following specific guidelines with professionally successful female immigrants were conducted, looking at their career paths and the reasons for their success. Individual resources and support services that women had been able to use to achieve their goals were examined, as were the difficulties faced and approaches to dealing with these.

The intention of the project was to acquire information that could be used to develop programmes and measures to improve the training and the professional integration of women with an immigrant background. In addition, the intention was to break traditional patterns of how female immigrants are seen and to focus on the potential that exists in connection with immigration. Finally, the aim was to use the positive examples of these life stories to encourage other female immigrants to break new ground.

The results of the research project were published in Working Paper 20 "Arbeitsmarktintegration von Frauen ausländischer Nationalität in Deutschland" (The integration of female foreign nationals into the German labour market) and in the expert report "Wege zum beruflichen Erfolg bei Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund und Ursachen für die gelungene Positionierung im Erwerbsleben" (Paths to professional success for women with an immigrant background and factors responsible for successful positioning in professional life).