The naturalisation behaviour of foreigners in Germany , Date: 2012.06.27, format: project (finished), area: Authority , A quantitative study of naturalisation behaviour and of the behaviour of Optionpflichtige (persons required to choose between two nationalities)

A comprehensive study on naturalisation behaviour has been implemented since June 2010 in the shape of the quantitative Naturalisation Study of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The results have been available in Research report 15 since June 2012 (see download on the right-hand side).


Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

The research project examined the naturalisation behaviour of foreigners in Germany. The background to the study included the legal amendments which have taken place in recent years as a result of the reform of German citizenship law. Additionally, the motives were examined as to why foreigners opt to acquire or not to acquire German nationality.

Optionspflichtige, meaning those individuals who have dual nationality because of a transitional arrangement, but are obliged to opt for one of the two nationalities, were also of interest in this study.

Four groups were surveyed nationwide in 2011 using a standardised questionnaire:

  • 319 persons who have been naturalised since 2005,
  • 403 foreigners who were in the naturalisation process at the time of taking part in the survey,
  • 411 foreigners who met the prerequisites for naturalisation at the time of taking part in the survey but had not lodged an application for naturalisation, and
  • 401 Optionspflichtige aged between 16 and 21 who had become naturalised in accordance with section 40b of the Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz - StAG).

The groups were surveyed using quantitative methods. Information gained from the qualitative interviews of the project entitled “The option scheme in German citizenship law from the perspective of those affected by it” was also incorporated into the survey of the group of Optionspflichtige.

The overall goal of the survey was to obtain more detailed information regarding naturalisation behaviour and the behaviour of Optionpflichtige. The study provides sound empirical knowledge on the criteria acting in favour of or against naturalisation, on the experience of the individuals in the naturalisation process, as well as on the impact of the acquisition of German nationality on naturalised persons.