Accompanying academic research on the Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants (MBE) , Date: 2015.08.06, format: project (finished), area: Authority , Analysis of the Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants

The Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants (MBE) was introduced when the Immigration Act (Zuwanderungsgesetz) came into force as of 1 January 2005. The MBE is a migration-specific advisory service for both recent and more established immigrants and, in addition to integration courses, is one of the standard services provided by the Federation in the field of integration. It was implemented by the member organizations of the Federal Association of Non-Statutory Welfare Services (the National Society for Worker Welfare [Arbeiterwohlfahrt], the German Caritas Society [Deutscher Caritasverband e.V.], the German Equal Representation Welfare Association [Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband], the German Red Cross, the Social Service Agency of the Evangelical Church in Germany [Diakonisches Werk] and the Central Welfare Office for Jews in Germany [Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland]), as well as by the Federation of Expellees (Bund der Vertriebenen). The service aimed to initiate and guide the integration process, for enabling immigrants to act independently in all matters related to their daily lives.

Accompanying research project to assess the advisory service


Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

In order to ensure an effective advisory service for recent and more established immigrants in Germany, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has collected data on developments and trends within MBE on a quarterly basis since 2005. Until then the participants never had the opportunity to evaluate the advisory service offered. The accompanying academic project aimed to close this information gap. By the means of a standardized survey among immigrants who have used the Migration Advisory Service in recent years, their point of view on the service was examined for the first time. The aim was to find out to what degree immigrants view the service as in fact being helpful to them and to what extent they consider themselves enabled to act in a more independent manner in their everyday lives. The results of the study shall make it possible to optimize the Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants in Germany and match it even better to the needs of the target group.

Nationwide survey

The nationwide survey among 1,254 individuals who have participated in the Migration Advisory Services for Adult Immigrants was conducted by INFO GmbH market research and opinion polling institute from January to March 2014. The research report "Ten years of Migration Advisory Service for Adult Immigrants. Archievements, impact and opportunities from the clients’ perspective. FOMR-MBE-Client survey 2014", the methodological report, a short version of the MBE study as well as general information on the advisory service of the MBE may be found in the section entitled "Further informations".