Evaluation of deradicalisation activities , Date: 2019.08.16, format: project (current), area: Authority

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The evaluation of deradicalisation activities helps in the further professionalisation and quality assurance of the advisory work. The Research Centre determines which activities that are supported by the Federation are proving their worth in practical advisory work.


Nelia Miguel Müller

Position: Researcher

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Without a scientifically sound evaluation, it is difficult to substantiate statements about cause-and-effect relationships between an activity and any change in the way in which a (presumably) radicalised person thinks or behaves. Together with the advice centre network of the BAMF's Advice Centre on "Radicalisation", the Research Centre is working to develop tools to facilitate consolidated statements on the effectiveness and efficiency of deradicalisation measures. A positive culture of constructive criticism can be used to identify development potentials and promote them in a targeted manner.

The work of the Advice Centre on "Radicalisation" is also regularly evaluated by the Research Centre in order to further optimise processes and network structures.