Developing standards , Date: 2019.08.16, format: project (finished), area: Authority

Common standards provide a foundation for providing good advice to those seeking to distance themselves from radical views. They help to create transparency and understanding, as well as to assure quality, cooperation and innovation. The Research Centre provides guidance when it comes to drawing up standards in providing advice in the social environment of (putatively) radicalised individuals.


Nelia Miguel Müller

Position: Researcher

E-mail: Write a message

The advice sector in Germany is highly varied. The different advice centres have multiprofessional staff, work on an interdisciplinary basis, and approach the various target groups in different ways. The BAMF's Research Centre helps draw up standards on providing advice on deradicalisation, in cooperation with the network of advice centres run by the BAMF's Advice Centre on Radicalisation, with the Violence Prevention Network (VPN) being the lead institution.

In 2018, the first edition of the manual on "Standards in counselling for the social environment of (potentially) radicalised Islamist individuals" which was created in a joint effort by the network of advice centres of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) was published. Based on the feedback on the first edition, the manual was subsequently revised and its content expanded. The second edition was published in German and English in 2020.