Analysing trends and developments , Date: 2021.04.27, format: project (finished), area: Authority

The Research Centre has created tools that are the first of their kind that can be used to analyse trends and developments in radicalisation in the shape of the International Forum for Expert Exchange on Countering Islamist Extremism (InFoEx) and the members of FoPraTEx (Research-practice-exchange in the field of Islamist extremism). The continuous academic and interdisciplinary analysis of this sector is a major focus of the work.

The Research Centre uses two tools to analyse trends in the radicalisation sector and in developments in the field of deradicalisation: InFoEx in cooperation with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and FoPraTEx, an association of researchers, including with the partner advice centre which is structured and coordinated by the Research Centre.

The newly-created InFoEx is a forum in which information input by practitioners in prevention and from the specialist debate in Germany and abroad is continuously collected and discussed at international meetings. "Issue Papers" are used to provide a précis of the core outcomes of these meetings to the interested (specialist) public.

The Issue Papers thus set the stage for the public debate on the prevention of Islamist extremismus to be objectivised, and to communicate core knowledge that has been obtained on relevant topics to interested players in Germany and abroad.

The conferences are attended by both experts, advisors and political decision-makers, as well as by the members of FoPraTEx. Its task is to support the work of the local partner advice centres via its own, practically-orientated research, as well as by analysing external research.

The FoPraTEx network published its initial research results in the anthology entitled "INTER:SECTIONS: Findings from research and counselling practice on Islamist extremism" in April 2021. This was followed in January 2022 by the release of a second anthology entitled "INTER:SECTIONS 2.0", which presents further research results from FoPraTEx and important findings on the question of goal-orientated paths in deradicalisation.