Practice-orientated analysis of deradicalisation processes (PrADera) , Date: 2019.08.16, format: project (finished), area: Authority

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The research project entitled "Practice-orientated analysis of deradicalisation processes (PrADera)" is carried out jointly by the Technical University of Berlin (TUB), the Bavarian Land Criminal Police Office (BLKA) and the Research Centre at the BAMF. The aim of this study is to find out what has motivated individuals to turn away from Salafist movements, or conversely to remain in them.

The study focuses on the subjective experiences, motivations and perspectives of individuals who are turning away from or have already turned away from Salafist movements, and of those individuals who remain in such movements. The aim here is to identify circumstances and factors in their everyday lives, biographies, social environments as well as in society which, in the respective cases, have caused them to turn away from or to remain in such movements.

The data basis is formed by narrative interviews with persons who are or have been close to Salafist movements. In addition, the points of view are consulted of individuals who guide them in such a distancing process, e.g. people working in the relevant counselling centres. The results of the research project will be used to reflect on advisory and support services for individuals who wish to distance themselves from Salafist movements, and to develop improved methods for activities and services.