Knowledge management in a European framework , Date: 2020.12.03, format: Report, area: Authority

On 24 November 2020, against the background of the German EU Council Presidency, the "EASO Third Country Cooperation Network Meeting" took place at the Nuremberg headquarters of the Federal Office. The meeting addressed the topic of knowledge management to improve the coordination between the European Member States (EU MS) in the context of international cooperation with third countries.

The focus of the event was on the key subject “Expansion of the EASO External Dimension Network to an information network optimised at working level”. The aim was to intensify the exchange of information within the network and thus develop a comprehensive approach to the sustainability of international project work at the EU level.

Eine Frau sitzt hinter einem Redepult Project manager Duygu Suat Altunay coordinated the participant's questions. Source: BAMF

The idea for this innovative project, the possibility of pooling and building on the knowledge already available in the EU Member States, came about on Germany’s initiative at a network meeting in Malta about two years ago. It was quickly established that the participating Member States faced similar challenges. The lack of a systematic agreement on international cooperation makes it considerably more difficult for successive projects to interlink. This could lead to parallel or double implementation of individual project initiatives with third countries. All the participants agreed that increased cooperation and exchange of information was decisive for the successful implementation of international projects in the field of migration and asylum. Here it is necessary to motivate the Member States to designate at least one contact person who can provide further information on current international projects. The implementation of this idea, which began with a simple spreadsheet, developed to include digital tools with various possibilities.

The joint event on 24 November 2020 was an important step for the implementation of the project idea. Numerous representatives from ministries / authorities of several Member States as well as the European Directorate-General HOME of the EU Commission (DG HOME - DG for Migration and Home Affairs) took part in this meeting.

After opening speeches and an introduction round for the participants, the knowledge management tools developed by EASO were presented. Based on the tools presented, the following objectives are to be achieved:

  • Prevention of parallel implementation of similar projects
  • Better coordination of individual project initiatives with third countries
  • Securing the sustainability of international cooperation with third countries
  • Creation of synergies
  • Efficient use of resources

There was a lively exchange about the essential importance of knowledge management and the various functions of the tools. The knowledge management tools developed by EASO received consistently positive feedback from all participants.

At the end of the event, the further steps were discussed with the participants. Member States, some of which were taking part in such a network meeting for the first time, expressed great interest in future cooperation. A core group which emerged in the context of the initiative and actively promoted the idea, again stressed the importance of the tools and the great significance of closer cooperation with all Member States in achieving the mutual goals.

The project is to be pursued further and fleshed out in further planned meetings.