EMN-Study presented in the European Parliament , Date: 2017.12.08, format: Report, area: Authority

The German National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) at the Federal Office presented the results of an EMN study on the illegal employment of third-country nationals to the European Parliament on 28 November 2017.

In addition to its various tasks at national level, the Federal Office also carries out tasks at international level and is in constant exchange with European partners. This includes the successful work of the German National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), which has been located at the Federal Office for almost ten years. Various scientific studies and reports are drawn up here every year that become part of the extensive reporting of the EMN at European level on topics such as migration, integration and asylum. Amongst other things, the EMN National Contact Points drew up a study on the illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union last year. Colleagues from 22 other European countries worked on this topic at the same time.

Julian Tangermann (on the right) answering questions from Parliamentarians after his presentation. Source: © European Union 2017

Julian Tangermann, research assistant and policy analyst at the Research Centre of the Federal Office and a member of the German National Contact Point, presented the results of this comparative study to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs at the end of November. Mr Tangermann described amongst other things the preventive measures implemented by European countries against illegal employment, how cases of illegal employment are detected, and what sanctions employers must anticipate if they illegally employ third-country nationals. During the subsequent discussion, the Parliamentarians expressed an interest in a variety of aspects of the topic relevant to their parliamentary work. "The topic is indeed closely linked to the status of opportunities for legal migration in the European Union", according to Committee Chairman Claude Moraes. Moraes pointed out, that it would be important to touch upon a situation currently faced by many irregular migrants in the EU, particularly since at present there is increased discussion on the creation of possibilities for legal access for third-country nationals within the European Union.

To watch the recording of the presentation and the subsequent Q&A session, you can follow the link in the section entitled "Further informations" from minute 16:48.