Dossier: Security in the asylum procedure , Date: 2021.12.13, format: Dossier, area: Authority

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees also performs security tasks, such as establishing and verifying the identity of asylum seekers in the asylum procedure. It therefore liaises closely with the security authorities and law enforcement authorities of the Federal Government and the Länder and, as the central coordinating authority, makes an important contribution to the security-related prevention and de-radicalisation work with regard to Islamist radicalisation.

The following articles provide an overview of the tasks performed by the Federal Office in the context of migration and security.


Security in the asylum procedure, Date: 2021.07.29, format: Report, area: Authority

For the German authorities, refugees and immigrants should not and must not be of unknown identity at any time: the clear establishment of identity and country of origin is a key component of the asylum procedure – and the examination of both begins the moment asylum seekers first make contact with the authorities.

Exchange between security authorities, Date: 2021.12.13, format: Report, area: Authority

The Federal Office is an important pillar of the German security architecture, a framework of actors, instruments and measures aimed at safeguarding public security. In areas relating to foreigners, the Federal Office is an elementary source of information for identifying criminals, victims and witnesses in various criminal areas such as human trafficking, extremism and identity fraud.

Information obtained from asylum procedures can help with criminal prosecution, Date: 2022.02.28, format: Report, area: Authority

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is usually the first point of contact for persons who have fled violence, war and terror from other parts of the world. During the personal interviews held in the asylum procedure, these individuals provide information about their history of persecution. This information is very helpful to the federal and state security authorities as it can contribute to the conviction and sentencing of criminals.

This is how physical and technical document examinations work, Date: 2022.05.18, format: Report, area: Authority

Establishing a person's identity is a key element of the asylum procedure. At the Physical Technical Examination (PTU) unit, specially trained document experts check the authenticity of the documents submitted by the asylum seekers. Franziska Bassen, Deputy Head of the PTU, explains in the video exactly how this works.