EMN Conference on Unaccompanied Minors , Date: 2018.07.27, format: Dossier, area: Authority

Ressources, Time and Professionalism , Date: 2018.07.27, format: Report, area: Authority

Corinna Wicher, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, took stock of the conference. Source: BAMF

In her closing remarks, Corinna Wicher, Head of the Directorate for International Tasks and Administration of EU-Funds within the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, thanked the presenters for their talks and the guests in the audience for their lively participation in the discussion rounds.

“As the conference and the exchange have shown, three terms come to the fore:

1. Resources: We need enough people who can provide counselling,

2. Time: We need time for counselling,

3. Professionalism: We need qualification measures for all involved.

And finally we need an infrastructure that facilitates the exchange of information between various actors in order to share good practices, challenges, and spaces in which we can still improve.”
Corinna Wicher

The German National Contact Point for the EMN, by organizing this conference, had facilitated such an exchange.



  1. European Cooperation and Integration
  2. Cross-border cooperation at EU level
  3. Accommodation and Care Arrangements
  4. Deradicalisation and Prevention Work
  5. Adulthood – and then?
  6. Ressources, Time and Professionalism