Migration and development - Explorative study of the field of action at the level of the Federation, the Länder and the municipalities , Date: 2013.02.05, Order number: FFWP49, format: Working paper, area: Authority

Working Paper 49 studies which players play a role in this field of action, both at federal level, and at the level of the Federal Länder and in the municipalities, which views exist on the connections between migration and development, and what measures are being implemented. This analysis is based on qualitative and quantitative surveys of governmental and non-governmental players in migration and integration policy, as well as of players from the field of development cooperation.

Central stakeholders in the Federation and the Länder

The central stakeholders at federal level are the Ministries (especially the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), as well as at the subordinate level the BAMF or the implementing organisations of development cooperation funded by the State (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Centre for International Migration and Development). Non-governmental organisations, foundations or church aid organisations only play a minor role.


Tatjana Baraulina

Position: Head of Division

Phone +49 911 943 24651
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The players in this field of action in various Federal Länder primarily include those who are in responsible positions for migration (returns) and integration. The corresponding stakeholders in the municipalities, where they are committed in this field at all, are above all those who have an engagement with regard to integration.

The measures which have been implemented and which can be attributed to the field of action of migration and development differ depending on the level and responsibilities of the individual players. The measures include promotional projects in the fields of assisted returns and Diaspora cooperation (unconnected to integration policy), which are funded by the development policy implementation organisations, or the creation of framework conditions for easier mobility by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The significance of the integration area at municipality level

The field of integration plays a major role at the level of the Federal Länder, and particularly of the municipalities, since those who are responsible for the integration of migrants’ organisations are frequently approached and then act. This causes an expansion through the additional field of action "Integration and development".


Dr. Axel Kreienbrink

Position: Group leader

Phone +49 911 943 24650
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The majority of the measures are implemented independently of one another. There are methods for networking and coordination. It would be advantageous to promote inter-institutional cooperation at the intersections between the policy areas "Development", "Migration", "Integration", etc. A contribution towards this is provided by fora which facilitate a regular, intensive exchange between the players involved within and beyond the levels. This would enable for instance methods that have been trialled in individual Länder and municipalities to be disseminated in a manner that used few resources.
The potential of existing measures should be put to further use here, for instance by increasing the connectivity of the various return promotion schemes in Germany. A start has already been made on this. What is more, professionalisation and skill-building measures for migrants’ organisations, as well as transparent information platforms operated via central donors’ organisations, promotional goals and prerequisites for promotion, are to be used. The impact exerted by development by the management tools to promote migration, remigration and circularity must be systematically investigated. There would be an equal need to evaluate the previous tools, such as mobility partnerships, with a view to exploring any positive effects, or indeed any negative impacts.

The study was written by: Tatjana Baraulina, Doris Hilber and Dr. Axel Kreienbrink

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