Climate migration: Definitions, dimensions and political instruments under discussion , Date: 2012.09.21, Order number: FFWP45, format: Working paper, area: Authority

A large number of publications by researchers or governmental and non-governmental entities have already tried to assess climate migration and develop instruments for action. However, so far neither an authoritative definition has been found, nor do data exist on the current or potentially likely dimensions of climate migration.

Considerable interest in the topic has been expressed both by policymakers and by the public. Climatic events impact migratory movements, forcing governments and the international community to react.

Key findings

  • The wide variety of definitions sheds light on the complex dimensions and causes of climate migration.
  • The discussion is narrowly focussed on the question of what is a climate refugee, but appears in the meantime to be shifting away from the refugee concept towards a more detailed consideration of voluntary migration..
  • It is often impossible to consider climate change and environmental transformation independently of one another.
  • Due to methodological and analytical challenges, there is no reliable information either on the current volume of climate migrants, or on predictions. An alarming number is frequently misused to build pressure to act.
  • Despite vague definitions and figures, complex connections become evident, calling for action.
  • The necessities, but nevertheless also the opportunities, of climate migration policies include the following

    • protecting migrants,
    • facilitating migration as an adaptation strategy, and
    • leveraging future potentials of climate migration to benefit all concerned.


Dr. Axel Kreienbrink

Position: Group leader

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  • This requires multi-dimensional approaches; efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases should be supplemented by approaches to fight the causes of migration, e.g. development of the climate fund in the framework of the Green Climate Fund or capacity building and regional approaches within policy on refugees.
  • Existing approaches in the field of action “Migration and development” can be further developed by taking into account factors related to climate change.
  • Multi-disciplinary research can improve and enhance the state of knowledge.

The study was drafted by: Bettina Müller, Marianne Haase, Dr. Axel Kreienbrink, Susanne Schmid

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