Foreign employees in qualified service industries that are subject to social insurance contribution , Date: 2011.08.04, Order number: FFWP38, format: Working paper, area: Authority

Working Paper 38 comprises a descriptive analysis of the tertiary sector with particular focus on well qualified foreign employees that are subject to social insurance contribution.

The public discussion about the contribution of foreigners in creating value and wealth in Germany, to which employees subject to social insurance contribution add a great share, is often focusing on deficits. This is the case although immigrated workers’ participation in the labour market is remarkable, as demonstrated in the Working Paper.

It can be noticed that an increase in employment in the service industry, both for Germans and foreigners, follows the general trend towards a service society. Particularly in growing industry sectors, foreigners find opportunities to satisfy demand on the labour market and exhibit an overproportional increase in the number of employees. That is particularly the case for foreign women and immigrants from new EU-countries.
Against the background of the increasing demand for qualified labour, it was investigated whether immigrants are employed in areas that demand high qualifications or rather in those that demand low qualifications. The development of the number of employees that are sub-ject to social insurance contribution in the respective economical groups during the last years can serve as an indicator concerning the question whether through immigrants gaps in the labour markets could and can be closed in the past and the present respectively.

Author of the study: Barbara Heß

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