Immigration of highly skilled workers from third state countries to Germany , Date: 2009.10.18, Order number: FFWP28, format: Working paper, area: Authority

The working paper "Immigration of highly skilled workers from third state countries to Germany" comprehends the results of a survey arranged in 2008 with highly skilles immigrants, who were asked about their socio-economic backround, education, occupational status, familiy, reason for migration and remigration intentions. This highly qualified survey group consists of academics with special professional knowledge, tutors with outstanding qualification, as well as experts or manager/executive employees that were granted a residence title according to § 19 Aufenthaltsgesetz (law of residence).

Valid addresses were ascertained for altogether 959 people, who were all questioned postal (complete sampling). All in all 514 of the questionnaires were answered and returned, which constitutes a return rate of 53.6 %. 510 of these questionnaires were evaluable. The anonymity of the respondents was guaranteed and does not allow a retracing of the people from the questionnaires retroactively.

In addition to the actual state of research and the account of the legal background for the immigration of highly skilled workers, the working paper describes the respondents and the main unit by analyzing the variables - common for both groups (respondents and main unit) - age, sex, and country of origin. According to the data of the questionnaires the realms education, language skills, occupational status, situation of family members, reason for and history of migration, intention of residency as well as satisfaction with life in Germany, are analysed in-depth.

Author of the study: Barbara Heß

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