Integration in the job market by women of foreign nationality in Germany , Date: 2008.12.17, Order number: FFWP20, format: Working paper, area: Authority

In a special evaluation of the carried out by the Federal Office, the integration into the labour market by foreign women from the five largest national groups in Germany is examined in detail. Job quotas and career positions are taken into account as indicators. On the one hand differences between the origins of the groups and generations are analysed and on the other hand, the significance of various factors which influence integration into the job market are identified.

Important results are that of the women examined there is a considerable potential in terms of work skills and that the key to better integration by migrant women into the job market is having a good education. Furthermore it is clear that there are considerable differences between the different groups and in particular the migrant generations. Thus, the second generation of women, who have grown up in Germany, have a markedly better profile of qualifications than those belonging to the first generation of migrants. Proportionally they are more frequently engaged in gainful employment and in a better position career-wise.

Author of the study: Dr. Anja Stichs

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