Linguistic integration of migrants in Germany , Date: 2008.06.03, Order number: FFWP14, format: Working paper, area: Authority

From the "Integration report" series, Part 2

Knowledge of the host country language is indispensable for the integration of immigrants. Knowledge of German is hence a central aspect and can be seen as a measure of the integration of migrants in the host society. The report summarises published results of various studies (IGLU, PISA, HIS survey) on linguistic knowledge and depicts the results of language status surveys in pre-school age from the Federal Länder that are available from a variety of sources.

Furthermore, it contains new evaluations of the representative survey of selected groups of migrants (RAM) 2006/2007 and of the Socioeconomic Panel on the linguistic integration of migrants. In addition to oral and written German knowledge, knowledge of the language of the country of origin, multiple language knowledge, illiteracy as well as the family language and linguistic skills in everyday situations are studied.

Author of the study: Sonja Haug

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