Schooling of migrants in Germany , Date: 2008.06.03, Order number: FFWP13, format: Working paper, area: Authority

From the "Integration report" series, Part 1

Working Paper 13 "Schooling of migrants in Germany" explores the question of how people with a migration background differ from those with no migration background in terms of their participation in education and their schooling qualifications. To this end, the central data sources in the field of education (official statistics, school performance studies and microcensus) are initially described analytically.

Then there is an analysis for the school years 2000/2001 and 2006/2007 of how foreign pupils are spread among the individual general types of school. Furthermore, the current results of the IGLU and PISA studies are presented, and finally the school-leaving qualifications which German and foreign pupils achieve are shown together with the school qualifications of the overall population with and without a migration background. Where possible, a distinction is made here between the observed groups of individuals by gender, age and countries of origin of the most important groups of migrants in Germany (Turkey, former Yugoslavia and its successor states, Poland, Greece, Italy, Russian Federation).

Author of the study: Dr. Manuel Siegert

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