Delinquency of ethnic German repatriates - A review of the current situation , Date: 2008.04.01, Order number: FFWP12, format: Working paper, area: Authority

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has commissioned the research group of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to analyse valid figures on delinquency of ethnic German repatriates and to summerise the state of research. With Working Paper 12, a state of the art is submitted which considers both the police crime statistics and the empirical social research.

Delinquency of the ethnic German repatriates is compared with that of native Germans and non-Germans. The findings are illustrated in detail, considering all methodical research problems. To supplement this, the self-reported violence and delinquency experience of young ethnic repatriates is analysed using various crime and victimization surveys. The causes and risk factors associated with an increased delinquency rates are explained.

Authors of the study: Sonja Haug, Tatjana Baraulina, Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski with the collaboration of Stefan Rühl and Michael Wolf

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