Turkish, Greek, Italian and Polish nationals, as well as individuals from the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, in Germany Initial results of the representative survey entitled "Selected groups of migrants in Germany 2006/2007" (RAM) , Date: 2008.03.06, Order number: FFWP11, format: Working paper, area: Authority

Working Paper 11 provides initial results on the core characteristics of the 4,576 respondents of the representative survey entitled "Selected groups of migrants in Germany 2006/2007" (RAM). At the end of 2006 and in 2007, persons belonging to the five largest foreign nationality groups who had been living in Germany for at least one year were questioned by Infratest Sozialforschung, Munich, on behalf of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees on a broad spectrum of integration-related aspects. Differences and similarities by age groups, length of residence in Germany, schooling, vocational situation, language, housing situation, family situation, social contacts, religion or ties to Germany and the country of origin were observed.

Author of the study: Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

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