Socio-demographic characteristics, vocational structure and kinship networks of Jewish immigrants , Date: 2007.07.09, Order number: FFWP08, format: Working paper, area: Authority

Using the data of the 1,061 Jewish immigrants who arrived in the Free State of Bavaria Land Reception Centre in 2005, Working Paper 8 provides a description of the demographic characteristics, nationality and religious affiliation, vocational structure and kinship networks.

The demographic structure of Jewish immigrants is typical of classical emigration and “ethnic” immigration, and is quite different from the age and gender composition of labour migrants (uniform gender and age structure, immigration in families). A relatively large share of Jewish immigrants is of non-Jewish origin and also does not express any affiliation to the Jewish religion. This indicates a large share of interethnic marriages. The family and kinship structure provides indications of good social embedding in local family networks. The immigrants have an above-average level of schooling and vocational skills. A very large share of persons of working age has learned and exercised a scientific vocation in the country of origin.

In light of the relatively high level of qualification among Jewish immigrants, it appears to be particularly important that the professional qualifications and the professional experience be recognised, for which further qualification will frequently be necessary. On condition of the acquisition of German language knowledge, the resources of this group of immigrants, assuming they are properly promoted, in principle provide a good framework for integration in the labour market.

Author of the study: Sonja Haug with the collaboration of Michael Wolf

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