Migration Report 2008 , Date: 2010.02.03, format: Migration report, area: Authority

On 3 February 2010, the Federal Cabinet adopted the "Migration Report 2008" compiled by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The report provides an overview of migration in Germany and Europe. In addition to a detailed depiction of the various types of migration, the report is more specific on the emigration of Germans and foreigners. It furthermore provides information concerning the structure of the foreign population, as well as of the population with a migration background.

More highly skilled workers, fewer ethnic German resettlers

In the field of labour migration the movement to a consolidated immigration of highly skilled workers continues. For example the number of IT workers increased to 15% compared to the previous year. Furthermore the number of foreign students also increased considerably in 2008 (58,350 people).

The statistics on ethnic German resettlers have been recording a decline in inflow for several years. Only 4,362 ethnic German resettlers came to Germany with their family members in 2008. A decline of 6 %, to 39,717 people, was furthermore observed in family reunification. By contrast, the immigration of asylum-seekers increased once more, for the first time since 2001.

In addition to an analysis of the data on the foreign population the Migration Report examines the sociodemographic structure of people with a migration background living in Germany. Nearly one person in five in Germany has a migration background (19%). This data constitutes the basis for better tracing of integration processes and helps establish a closer connection between migration and integration.

Migration and Development

In an additional chapter the subject of migration and development is adopted for the first time. The report stresses that the control of immigration, both in cooperation with development policy and through collaboration with the countries of origin, can enhance the positive effects of migration. Addressing this issue, the research group of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has already arranged several cooperation projects with the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

The complete report is only available in German.

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