The 2020 Annual Report of the Research Centre , Date: 2021.08.30, format: Annual Report of Research Centre, area: Authority

The Annual Report provides an overview of the main areas of work of the Migration, Integration and Asylum Research Centre in 2020. It presents both ongoing and completed research projects, as well as the publications that have been released and the events that have been held.

2020 was an anniversary year for the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, as it has now been in operation for 15 years. At the same time, however, the year was also marked by the coronavirus pandemic, which affected all work and the progress of various research projects.

Nonetheless, it was possible to publish some relevant research results in 2020, such as the studies on "non-academic professionals" and on "The integration of refugees in rural areas".

Considerable progress has been made in important research projects such as the evaluation of the AnkER facilities and of facilities performing the same functions, and the survey among people from Syria and Eritrea (TransFAR) on families in the context of forced migration which was carried out jointly with the Federal Institute for Population Research.

The IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees, which has been running for several years and is being conducted jointly with the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW/SOEP), deserves special mention. In 2020, a total of four Brief Analyses were published, based on the surveys that were carried out in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Great importance is attached to the Migration Report, which is to be submitted on an annual basis and provides a comprehensive overview of annual developments in immigration and emigration, taking into account all immigrant groups. Further resources were invested in the digital preparation of the report in order to provide users with more convenient access to the underlying data.

Finally, in cooperation with the IT department, the construction of the new Research Data Centre at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees was significantly advanced in 2020 in order to open it as planned in 2021.

The Annual Report is only available in German.

This download is available in other languages, too.