The German Community Sponsorship Programme "NesT – New Start in a Team": , Date: 2024.06.13, format: Research report, area: Authority , Evaluation of the Programme Implementation

The Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) evaluated the Community Sponsorship Pilot Programme "New Start in a Team" (NesT) between 2019 and 2022. NesT enables the admission of refugees through a collaboration between state and civil society actors. The Research Report 44 presents the findings of the evaluation.

NesT became part of the regular Resettlement Programme of the German Federal Government on 1 January 2023. In 2023, NesT will enable the resettlement of up to 200 refugees to Germany. These refugees have fled their countries of origin and reside in the first country of asylum where they are unable to access sufficient protection, lack return options and sustainable life perspectives. Both the Resettlement Programme and NesT guarantee a legal and secure pathway to protection and a long-term life perspective in Germany.

NesT involves civil society actors, the sponsors, who are responsible for providing a suitable accommodation and covering the basic net rent (Nettokaltmiete in German) for a period of twelve months. Furthermore, the sponsors offer integration support for at least one year, with the objective of assisting the refugees in their daily lives. The Civil Society Contact Point (ZKS) was established for NesT with the specific purpose of providing training, support and information to sponsors and those interested in becoming sponsors. The ZKS comprises members of Caritas, the German Red Cross and the Protestant Church of Westphalia.

Main Results of the Evaluation

Sponsors show strong commitment

The results demonstrate that the sponsors are highly driven and dedicated to supporting NesT refugees in their transition to Germany. Sponsors are well connected within their communities and draw on a wide range of local knowledge to the benefit of the refugees.

Refugees respond positively to the programme

The participation of refugees in the NesT programme is entirely voluntary. The vast majority of refugees are willing to take part when the possibility is offered to them. In the initial stages after arrival, sponsors are the refugees’ most important contacts, and in some cases, the only ones. This close connection frequently develops into a relationship based on mutual trust, which is highly appreciated by all participants.

Sponsors face important challenges

Participation in the programme is demanding for sponsors. The primary challenges they face are the search for and the financing of housing, particularly in the context of a saturated housing market. Another challenge is the relatively long waiting period between the application and the actual arrival of the refugees.

Conclusion and Recommendation

By the end of 2022, a total of 139 refugees had been admitted to Germany through the NesT programme. In order to reach the objective of 200 refugees per year, the evaluation recommends increasing the attractiveness of the programme. Potential measures for this could include:

  • Intensify the recruitment of sponsors
  • Reduce the hurdles for programme participation
  • Strengthen a transparent communication between ZKS, BAMF and the sponsors
  • Ensure that the quality of support remains a central objective of the programme

In conclusion, the evaluation shows that NesT is a relevant legal pathway to protection. In order for this approach to become fully established in German refugee policy, further qualitative and quantitative development is required.

The authors of Research Report 44 are: Florian Tissot, Nadja Dumann and Maria Bitterwolf


Tissot, F., Dumann, N., & Bitterwolf, M. (2024). The Community Sponsorship Programme ‘New Start in a Team’: Study on the Programme Implementation (Research Report 44). Nuremberg. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.