Progress in integration. With regard to the situation of the five largest groups of foreigners living in Germany , Date: 2010.04.15, Order number: FFFB08 , format: Research report, area: Authority

Research report 8 entitled "Progress in integration. With regard to the situation of the five largest groups of foreigners living in Germany" describes the living conditions of Turkish, Greek, Italian and Polish people living in Germany, as well as of persons from the successor states of the former Yugoslavia.

The underlying representative survey entitled "Selected groups of migrants in Germany 2006/2007" with approx. 4,500 respondents, covers a large number of fields that are relevant to integration, such as language knowledge, education, occupational, housing, household and family situations, social contacts both within their own community and with Germans, as well as ties to Germany/to the country of origin.

Main results:

  • Polish respondents are younger and have been living in Germany for a shorter time.
  • It is unmistakeable that improvements in education take place with all groups of respondents from one generation to the next.
  • An above-average share of Polish respondents have completed vocational training.
  • Turkish households in particular have a low income.
  • Younger respondents have a better knowledge of German than older ones.
  • Italian respondents have relatively comfortable living conditions.
  • Foreign individuals are more frequently members of German associations than of ones related to their countries of origin.
  • Almost two-thirds have regular contact with German friends.

Research Report 8 focuses on key results only.

For detailed results refer to .

Tables of the five foreign national groups are available in .

Author of the Study: Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski

All publications are only available in German.

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