Social belonging and social life , Date: 2024.06.13, format: Research report, area: Authority , Attitudes in the population with a migration background from Muslim countries of origin

Research Report 47 examines attitudes to various aspects of belonging and social life in Germany among individuals with a migration background originating from predominantly Muslim countries and compares them with the attitudes of those without a migration background.

The analyses are based on data from the nationwide representative survey "Muslim Life in Germany 2020", which was conducted on behalf of the German Islam Conference. The following attitude dimensions are examined: The criteria for belonging to Germany, acculturation attitudes, views on privileges of established residents, social distance, as well as perceived opportunities for integration and perceived exclusion of Muslim people.

The research report focuses on the attitudes of individuals with a migration background from Muslim countries of origin and compares them with the attitudes of individuals without a migration background. Furthermore, the study considers group differences according to generation and length of stay, as well as religious affiliation. It also examines correlations between religion-, migration- and integration-related characteristics and the aforementioned attitudes.

The Research Report was authored by Dr. Amrei Maddox and Katrin Pfündel. It constitutes part of a three-part series of publications on the multifaceted topic of social cohesion. Another report examines perceived discrimination (Research Report 48). A third study focuses on interreligious knowledge and interreligious contacts in relation to the three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Brief Analysis 2|2023).

Research report 47 was originally written in German. The key findings are presented in English here.


Maddox, A., & Pfündel, K. (2024): Key findings of the research report 47: Social belonging and social life. Attitudes in the population with a migration background from Muslim countries of origin. Nuremberg. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.