Executive Summary of the Interim Report III of the research project "Evaluation of the Integration Courses (EvIk)" , Date: 2024.03.27, format: Research report, area: Authority

Here you can find an executive summary of the "Interim report III of the research project 'Evaluation of the integration courses (EvIk)'. Analyses and findings on course participants, course specifics, teachers and integration course providers at the start of the course".

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Kay, R., Babka von Gostomski, C., Saif, S., Homrighausen, P., Eckhard, J., & Rother, N. (2024). Executive Summary of the Interim Report III of the Research Project "Evaluation of the Integration Courses (EvIk)". Analyses and findings on course participants, course specifics, teachers, and integration course providers at the beginning of the course. Nuremberg. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.