The fight against human trafficking , Date: 2022.11.08, format: Working paper, area: Authority , Study by the German National Contact Point for the European Migration Network

The EMN study addresses the fight against human trafficking in Germany. Current legal developments and framework conditions are analysed for this purpose, and protection procedures as well as national and international cooperation are described. The study also provides an overview of the challenges that arise in the fight against human trafficking.

The political and legal framework

The first part of the study provides a detailed overview of the political and legal framework with regard to combating human trafficking, and describes changes in the period from 2015 to 2020. Its focus is on the transposition of the EU Directive on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims.

The second part of the study looks at the procedure commonly used in Germany, from identifying victims of human trafficking, to granting protection measures. The work of counselling centres, as well as of organisations active at the level of the Federal Länder, is also considered here.

National and international cooperation

Cooperation at the level of the Federal Länder, within the EU and with third countries, forms the focus of the third part of the study. It is shown that international cooperation is crucial in order to effectively combat human trafficking.

The national study by the German National Contact Point, which is only available in German, was produced as part of the German contribution to the EMN study entitled "Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection". That study was carried out in all participating EMN Member States according to common guidelines (see "Further information / Downloads").

The Working Paper was drafted by Benjamin Drechsel.

The study is only available in German.

This download is available in other languages, too.